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第6回 MEMSパークコンソーシアム 公開セミナーのご案内


「マイクロシステムの潮流: ポリマーエレクトロニクスと高安定MEMS共振子」

平成17年12月9日(金) 13:30-16:00
青葉記念会館(東北大学工学部内) 4F大研修室
13:30-14:40 Polytronics - Integration platform for plastic microsystems (Smart Plastics)
Dr.Karlheinz Bock (Fraunhofer Inst. IZM, Germany)

As in other technology areas with advancing market penetration, researchers are increasingly exploring methods to reduce materials and manufacturing cost for microsystems. Especially promising is the substitution of silicon by polymers, which offer a choice of a wide range of materials properties, flexibility in structure design and manufacturing, and functionality, surpassing by far what is possible in silicon. In addition, the use of polymer microsystems in medical technology resolves the issue of biocompatibility, allowing use of polymer microsystems as interfaces between live beings and health technology. Reduction of size, however, is not the only way to reduce cost - increased functionality of a microsystem supports attaining the goal of cost-effective ubiquitous systems, as demanded in smart, communicating systems and medical technology. We will show several examples of our approach to integrating multiple functionalities into polymer microsystems, focusing on the integration of polymer electronics, the merge of optical and microfluidic functionality, together with biological recognition capability with the vision of polymer electronic biosensor systems.

ポリマーによるトランジスタによる回路は、Roll to roll でプラスチックフィルム上 に印刷で安く作れる。使い捨ての電子装置やバイオセンサ、大面積のディスプレイや アンテナ付センサ・IDタグなど。

14:40-14:50 休み
14:50-16:00 MEMS Resonators: Getting the Packaging Right
Dr.Aaron Partridge (SiTime Corp., USA)

MEMS resonators have been investigated for almost forty years but have never delivered the high performance and low cost required in commercial oscillators. Packaging technology has been one of the primary limitations. MEMS resonators should be enclosed in very clean environments because even small amounts of surface contamination can significantly change resonator frequency. In addition, since the packaging can dominate the product cost and the applications are often cost sensitive, the packaging should be inexpensive. These requirements have now been met by SiTime's wafer-level encapsulation and packaging technology. SiTime builds encapsulated MEMS resonators in epitaxially sealed polyslicon chambers buried under the wafer surface. The encapsulated resonator wafers are diced and molded into standard plastic IC packages. This encapsulation and packaging technology is inexpensive and extremely clean. The resulting silicon MEMS oscillators show performance levels similar to quartz and are expected to be suitable for a range of commercial applications.

シリコン結晶内の真空空洞内に形成した共振子で、高安定で回路を形成できプラスチ ックモールドが可能。水晶振動子の代替やRFフィルタ。